Green Tip of the Day: Winterize your home

Respecting energy is part of living a conscious lifestyle. It not only helps conserve global resources, it also saves money—and in today’s economy, who doesn’t need to save some green. So here are a few energy saving tips that you can employ at your home this winter:

1. Set water heater to 120 degrees: According to the Department of Energy, every 10 degree reduction in water temperature will save between 3 to 5 percent in energy costs.

2. Replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps: Energy saving light bulbs cost as little as $6 and last 12 times longer, saving up to $50 on electric bills over the life of the bulb.

3. Install "foam gaskets" for electrical outlets: With very little time and money, foam pieces can be inserted under the faceplates of outlets and switches on external walls, saving significant energy and money.

4. Cover AC and Hot Water Tanks: Covering window or wall-mounted air conditioning units with a “jacket” during the winter months will keep a home warmer and save money. Also, putting a three inch insulating jacket on a hot water tank will save about $40 a year.

5. Caulk around doors and windows: Caulking—along with weather-stripping—will cut energy use, saving nearly $200 a year.

Source: Rebuilding Together Alexandria

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