It also means being creative in the ways we live, such as picking up urban composting or swearing off plastic bottles. If we each do our part, we can create a nationwide mindset of conservation and reuse through conscious product purchasing. Find us on Facebook and Twitter, too, and start a conversation today!
Mary Rose Roberts, Chief Editor

Mary Rose Roberts is a working journalist with a master’s of science, journalism degree from Roosevelt University, Chicago. Mary Rose has a particular interest in purchasing healthful products manufactured by companies that use sustainable practices, which protect the environment and the global food supply. As chief editor, her goal is to change the way she purchases products and then recommend to readers based on the blog’s philosophy: reuse, recycle, and renew.

Anna Fischer Wulff attributes her creative eye to being raised all over the country, from California to Wisconsin. Indeed it is nature like mountains, oceans, plains, and forests that have affected her use of contrast, texture, color, fragrances, variety, and more in all of her creative pursuits—from fashion, to plants to food. She firmly believes that what makes a great outfit also makes a glorious landscape or a healthful, delicious meal.

Tonya Yancey is an independent Reiki II practitioner and owner of Reiki Therapy 4 Healing. Reiki Therapy, pronounced ray-key, is a Japanese healing art used for stress reduction and relaxation offered in more than 800 U.S. hospitals. Tonya always had an interest in natural approaches to health care. Learn more about healthful living and Reiki Therapy by visiting her blog at or Facebook page
Nikki Golden is a part-time DIY wanna-be who does not have kids of her own, but has enough of them in her life to hand down the love of fun, creative kid-friendly projects when the mood strikes. With a dislike for following directions or recipes, her DIY adventures are never dull. In real life, she’s a full-time association marketing manager at the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. Find her on Twitter @lucy1375 and on Pinterest @nikki_golden.

Kathy Schrenk is a mom, writer and activist in Northern California and has blogged about biking, parenting, politics and the environment. She's been passionate about the environment for years and believes the small every-day decisions can make a big difference. She is on the board of directors of Restore Hetch Hetchy. Find out more at and