Ready to break up with your corporate bank? Tomorrow is Bank Transfer Day.

I recently encouraged readers to stop occupying Wall Street and, instead, to put their money in community banks. Now, there is a movement to break up with your corporate bank starting tomorrow, Nov. 5. To help, Green America is offering a free Break Up With Your Mega-Bank Kit, which answers questions frequently asked by consumers who are trying to close their accounts at mega-banks in order to support community development financial institutions instead. In addition, the kit is said to help consumers use all their financial accounts and investments—from credit cards to mutual funds—to support a green economy.

The kit includes a Community Investing Guide, which provides consumers with information to know to invest their money in community development banks, credit unions, loan funds and venture capital funds. An SRI section is a resource for using investments to support a green economy while a Socially Responsible Mutual Fund Performance Chart provides information on the performance of leading mutual funds that use its investments to support a green economy. Finally, there is a Shareholder Activism tool with information shareholders need in order to be active with their shares in supporting social and environmental responsibility at corporations.

Join the movement.

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