New iPad App Tracks Personal Carbon Footprint

Verde, the new app for iPad, is a tool that reveals how to save at least $200 each year in energy efficiency upgrades. It educates users on the money and carbon that can be saved by simply upgrading older appliances. Users also learn how simple behavioral changes, like hibernating a computer, turning off unused lights and  notching the thermostat down one degree can lead to significant savings.

The app offered by Verde Sustainable Solutions, L3C has an opt-in automated energy cost finder that looks at a person's entire home to make recommendations to help save energy. It is an educational tool dedicated to helping its users make better decisions for their pocketbooks and the planet.

Verde Sustainable Solutions, L3C is a Chicago-based environmental firm founded in 2010. Committed to mission before profit, Verde promotes and educates others on the principles of sustainability by advocating for renewable energy and increased energy efficiency.

It costs $4.99.

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